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The Wallets menu is your central place to manage the wallets you use with the bot. You can create new wallets, import existing ones, rename them, or delete them entirely. Each wallet entry shows its current SOL balance (in SOL and USD) and its address. You can also designate which wallet is your “main” wallet for trades.
When you open the Wallets menu, you’ll see a list of all wallets the bot has on file. The main wallet is typically labeled with a special indicator (e.g., “Main” or “↳”). The balance shown is automatically fetched from the Solana blockchain.
Create Wallet
Generates a brand‐new Solana wallet (public/private keypair) directly in the bot.
The bot will provide you with a private key—keep it safe and do not share it.
If it’s your only wallet, it’s set as the main wallet by default.
Import Wallet
Lets you bring in an existing Solana wallet via its private key (Base58).
Once imported, you can name it (e.g., “W2” or “MySecondWallet”) and use it just like a newly created one.
Security note: The bot will store this private key to facilitate trading. Only share your private key with services you fully trust.
Switch Main
If you have multiple wallets, you can designate which one should be the “main” wallet.
The main wallet is used by default for most trading commands (e.g., Buy, Sell) unless you specifically choose another.
Rename Wallet
Allows you to rename an existing wallet entry (e.g., from “W2” to “TradingWallet”).
Useful for keeping track of different wallets you use for specific strategies.
Delete Wallet
Permanently removes a wallet from the bot’s database (including its private key).
If it was your main wallet, the bot may automatically switch your main wallet to the next available.
Tip: If you plan to remove a wallet but still want to use its funds, transfer the funds out before deleting. That is why it is very important to import your wallet into Phantom.
Allows you to view or manage the private keys for your wallets.
Caution: Exposing your private key can be risky. Only access it if you truly need to, and never share it publicly.
Forces an on‐chain balance check for each wallet.
Helpful if you just deposited or withdrew SOL (or tokens) and want to see the updated amounts right away.
A shortcut to the bot’s Settings or Preferences menu, in case you want to adjust fees, slippage, or other global trading options.
Keep Keys Secure: If you create or import wallets, store the private keys in a safe location.
Regularly Refresh: Use the Refresh button to ensure you have the most accurate balance data.
Naming Conventions: Give each wallet a descriptive name so you remember which is for main trading, which might be for testing, etc.
Deleting: Deleting a wallet does not affect the actual Solana account on‐chain. It only removes the bot’s local record (including the private key). You can still import it again later if you saved the key.